Alas, life intrudes while we pursue other pleasures.
Things have been interesting lately - as they often are. In fact, if my life were a horse, I'd have to shoot it. One minute we're rolling along fine, then BLAM! We hit a brick wall. A brick wall, rife with monetary consequences and trauma culminating in a long recovery period.
Things haven't been all bad, I suppose.
I did get to see my best friend of 22 years walk down the aisle and marry her soul mate. She did make such a beautiful bride. I teased her all weekend about being a Bridezilla. She was a bit of a regimented time-nazi, but otherwise things went rather smoothly. Considering the fact that she works long hours and spends her time between Anderson and Atlanta each week, I think that she pulled off a beautiful wedding without too many tears and freak-outs.
The ceremony was sweet and poignant. Sean and I participated in the wedding party. Seeing as how we had a hand in bringing these two together, I felt that it was a very special honor to be asked to stand up there with them. I could tell that the world disappeared for them as they said their vows to one another. It was especially moving for me. Two people couldn't have deserved one another more. I wish them many years of happiness and bliss.
Unfortunately...(you know there is always an unfortunately when talking about my life) Sean and I are dealing with some issues with the house in Anderson (as if that's anything new).
While I was up for my friend's bridal shower two weeks ago, the pipe in the upstairs bathroom ruptured, spilling over 4,000 gallons of water throughout the house. All the floors had to be pulled up, the ceilings downstairs, and other sheet rock had to be removed. The water totally ruined the 2,000 sq ft of new hardwood flooring we had purchased. Oh, and it shorted out fans and electrical sockets too. It has been a total mess. Now, there are things that we have to fix that we had no intention of doing.
Insurance did come through - although barely because the house was technically vacant. The damage was estimated at nearly $15,000 - they gave us $10,000 for the repairs. I think that we've already spent about $800. Can you see where this is going? Even doing most of it on our own (well, Sean all by his lonesome since I am nearly worthless at this kind of thing), we will still be in the hole after it's all said and done.
Lucky us, huh?
We are also dealing with more family issues.
Mother-in-law waited until we were packed up and getting ready to leave before showing up at the house. Now...it's not like there's anything in there that's hers. After all the mess previously, I personally see no reason for her to step foot back into the house, but anyway. After being snubbed when I tried to give her a hug, I left and went back over to my parent's house. It was too hot to deal with that. Pissed her off, but oh well...I'm not standing outside sweating for no reason.
For some reason, she proceeds to conduct a walk-through over the whole house. Mind you, we purchased this house in 2005 at foreclosure auction so she wouldn't be homeless -and- she stopped paying us rent and abandoned the property, with all her stuff in it, last fall. We've been left holding the bag here. At this point it is truly a trash bucket house. Considering that all of our savings has been stolen, whatever equity and profit we can get out of this house is all we have in the world. We are looking to protect it with everything we've got.
It was like she was casing the joint to see what we had gotten accomplished/what we had in there. Sean said she even unlocked the front door and conveniently "forgot" to lock it back. Now, why would someone do that?
Because we were significantly delayed from leaving when we anticipated, we got up at 4:30 am the next morning in order to drive back home in order to hit work at 9.
We got a call later that afternoon because strangers were trying to break down the back door in order to remove a fridge from inside the house. That caused all kinds of anger and alarm. Needless to say, we were very pissed. Eventually, we got it settled.
So that's the quick breakdown on our crazy/sexy life. Ain't it grand? ;-)