Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Hobby Holly

Maybe I just need to get a hobby.

I could start cross-stitching again,
but it pisses off the carpal tunnel.

I could start writing my poetry again as hubby suggested,
but I'm not feeling very inspired.

I could start breeding my little dog, Meko,
but she might get mad at me for whoring her out for $$.

I could learn how to sew and make curtains for the house,
but then I'd have decorate the rest of the house first.

I should start something fun, useful, and cool,
but then I'd have nothing to bitch about in my blog.

Hehehe. :)

Midweek Check-in

Well, it's Wednesday.
At least I think it's Wednesday. Already this week the days are having that squished-runtogether feel to me. There's just so much going on (as here always is) that I'm unsure as to what or when anything is. Maybe it's lack of sleep. Maybe it's poor eating habits. Maybe I just need more vitamins.

Who knows.
I'm just feeling tired, stressed, overworked, underpaid, neglected, ignored, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

And to's only Wednesday (I think). :)

Friday, June 18, 2004


It's finally Friday. The work week is wrapping up and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I don't have anything more exciting than sleeping in planned. But, it will be nice to get away from a computer for a few days.

We're trying to decide how to spend our evening.
We have a good friend in town for the weekend. He's asked if we can get together to do something together today. We haven't seen him for a while so it should be pleasant to catch up.

The boss threw a whammy at me yesterday. I had to lead an unexpected training session. He said that I was a "really descent human being" for doing him the favor. I just hope he remembers that today when I try to sneak out early. Hope those checks are ready and on time today! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I Suffer From Blog Envy

OMG! the guy that writes this blog is so funny. I definitely suggest a peak through the archives for volumes of "Steve, Don't Eat It!". Some are gross, but all are funny. I guess I just have a sick sense of humor.

I'm suffering from a case of blog envy.

Too bad I never get any spam messages offering to make my blog "harder, faster, longer, bigger, or better".

Monday, June 14, 2004

The Conculsion to 5ive Days

Well, the miniseries is over.

All in all I will say that Sci-Fi did an admirable job of keeping me entertained and engaged throughout the 5ive Days Til Midnight miniseries. I was quite pleased.

I still think the "bad cop" routine is overtired and overused. Overall, I'm glad that I watched it and stuck through til the end. This is the first prime time television I've watched that didn't include painting, surgery or babies.

Burn the Fat Kids?!?

File this under "What the Fuck?!?". I'm not even really sure how to respond other than to say that I'm pissed off about it.

Found this one of my favorite blogs -->On 'Tough Crowd' @ Comedy Central.

One of the topics on the show was fat children, and the show was generally just a lot of bashing about how they should be made to suffer for their own good. The same old shit.

At the end of this show, Judy Gold, suggested that a solution to there being so many fat American children is that they should be SET ON FIRE because the burning process would make them lose weight, and that its just FUN to watch them die that way.

I wish I were making this up. Americans have now been whipped into such a irrational genocidal hatred of fat people that so called 'comedians' are actually screaming that fat American children be BURNED ALIVE FOR THEIR ENTERTAINMENT, and the crowd CHEERS IT.

Comedy Central is certainly no friend to fat people, getting much of thier material from the humilation of fat people or fat comics who gladly humilate themselves. But its frightening and telling that given a chance to review such a horrifying endorsement of genocide against our own children, they aired those horrible comments anyway.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

5ive Days to Midnight

I usually don't get into who'dunits, but an original miniseries from SciFi has been occupying my time this week. A physics professor receives a briefcase, presumably from the future, detailing his murder. He has 5 days to discover who wants to kill him and prevent the murder -possibly?-.

I know that the "back to the future" and "you can't change death's design" plot points have been covered before, but I still find it interesting. There is a lot of questioning and science that has come up while watching it.

Parellel realities, altering the outcome of the future and how that might ripple through time. In a way, it almost appears as if these things need to happen the way they are unfolding for a reason: maybe he needs to know about the murder to precipitate events that hinge on the future. People have come up with some interesting opinions on who's responible and what is all means. With SciFi putting the evidence on their website, there a many trails to follow and it's been entertaining to say the least.

My hubby probably thinks that I'm bonkers. I've spent a good deal of time looking through the "evidence" on the website and reading theories on the message boards. There is a lot of misleading information to keep you guessing.

I guess we'll find out how it all comes together when the series concludes Thursday night.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Another Day...Another Dollar

It's Monday. Again.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the weekend can slip by. I don't feel rested. don't feel rejuevnated. I only feel stressed and exhausted at the beginning of yet another work week.

And what a work week it promises to be!
Lots of crap to catch up on, unhappy clients all wanting something from me, a dozen websites in various states of production requiring attention in some form or another. Oh, and let's not forget the myriad of personal and family crisies that have jumped on the bandwagon for good measure.

Well, at least I got my coffee this morning. I guess it could have been a lot worse. :)

Friday, June 04, 2004

Kids and Plus-Sized Clothes

Growing up fat was a pain.
Shopping for clothes was absolute torture. All the "husky" sized items were ugly with a capital "U". The salespeople were often unsympathetic and/or rude. I would most often be at the point of tears as I sent back yet another shapeless paper-bagesque ugly item over the dressing room door.

It fucking sucked to grow up fat.

I was transported back to that time in my life when I read this little gem. The premise is that having plus-sizes for kids legitimizes obesity. WTF?!?

Let's define what the "husky" size is, shall we? For boys, it's about 2 inches more room at the waist. For girls, it's three. So a beautiful little girl with a chunkier middle than her peers is degraded to the term "husky" for three measly inches.

Parents feel that having a wider variety of clothing enhances self-esteem. I would happen to agree with them. I know that had my clothes been more appealing I might have gone out more and participated in more activities with my friends. You can't very well have a full and active life if you are ashamed to be seen in what you are forced to wear. There just weren't the options that they are now.

I'm still fat. I still have a hard time finding clothes that fit the way I want them to. But, I've had 29 years to adjust, adapt, and accept it. I'm fat because I'm fat. So there.

The tortured little girl inside of me still cries sometimes, but these days she's just as likely to give the world the middle finger, with a smile - without a blame, without shame.

And...I have to smile a little wider on days like that.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

A Ping and a Pong

Do you ever feel like a ping-pong ball?
Getting batted back and forth between two equally menancing foes.

Well, that's been my day today. I had a laborious meeting first off this morning that lasted about 2 hours longer than it should have. That sapped what little energy I had stored up to get through the day with. Now, I don't have the energy to get everything that I need to get done finished.

I've had more interruptions than I can count. I think that I've had 4 or 5 phone calls for varying degrees of customer support in the last hour. Most of them silly, stupid stuff that I really didn't need to be involved in. If they'd just take a minute to look over their work, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Take this one client for instance:
She makes the same mistakes over and over and over again. At least once a week (and three times today, mind you) I get an email rehashing the same problem.

Now, I'm getting phone calls from other people in the office about the same stuff as well.

The problem is simple --> She cannot seem to copy and paste a filename correctly when creating links. If the filename has little letters in it, that means that it won't work with big letters. The order of the the words in the filename *is* important. You can't just make shit up as you go along without some repercussions.

I guess my mood is bitchy and I am short on patience today, especially when this isn't the first time the issue has come up.

Tomorrow is Friday. Payday. The only day worth having with the week I've had.

The Disease of a Diet

So, I read this little piece about how "yo-yo" dieting harms womens' immune systems. Not only that, but it seems to reduce the body's natural killer cells that help protect us from nasty things like colds, infections, and cancer.

So, let's review:

1. It's bad to be fat.
2. It's bad to lose weight only regain it.

But, don't most people end up regaining their weight lost anyway???
Sounds like a crapshoot if you ask me.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.
I'll think I'll have that bacon sandwich after all.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


I want a summer vacation.

Things sure were simpler when all we had to do was make it until June to have nearly three months of freedom. I know that I could definitely appreciate that much time off these days. I don't even need 3 months. 3 days with no obligations and plenty of food for foraging in the house and I'd be set.

When I Should Be Working...

Here I am blogging.

But at least I know I'm not the only one.

In any case, today finds me with a major ebb in energy and a crest in exhaustive irritability. It's already Wednesday and I feel as if the week is slipping by. Of course that doesn't mean that the deadlines get swept away when the week is done.

Nope. They are right here. Leering over my shoulder with their fetid breath. The joys of office life. I thought that I'd finally be able to have a week where I can actually get some work done. But no...3 meetings and an unexpected project falling into my lap.

I'm not cut out to produce websites. It's just one of the hats I've ended up wearing as a consequence of 9/11. When you cut the staff to bare bones, I guess you have to stretch those left as much as possible to fill in the gaps. I just wonder where the breaking point is.

I could call myself lucky because my boss *does* actially do some work. I know that there are others in my situation that have no recourse.

I also know that I can consider myself lucky because I have a job. It's unfortunate that not everyone woke up this morning to find the same true for their situation.

To the unemployed masses: As Monster says, It may be today. Keep on keeping on and good luck.

As for me, I'll try to stop least for a few minutes. :-)

Maybe if I stop whining...I can actually get some work done.