Now, this is some interesting new in the world of weight loss.
Could snipping a nerve really help with weight loss? That's what some researchers are saying.
The vagus nerve is one of the largest nerves in the central nervous system. It is also the only one to start in the brainstem and end up in the abdomen. The vagus nerve is responsible for many varied tasks in the body such as heart rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, and quite a few muscle movements in the mouth, including speech and keeping the larynx open for breathing. It also receives some sensation from the outer ear.
When the vagus nerve is overstimulated, it can cause one to pass out. Personally, I have experienced this reaction during both an intense coughing session, and ahem...another more intimate situation. It is a rather odd little bugger to say the least and can be frightening if you aren't aware of it's effect. It's also the defense that causes some people to pass out at having vaccinations or having blood drawn.
Now, it seems that this pesky nerve could help with hunger control. It would still be surgery, but it doesn't seem to be as bad. Early results show that when paired with adjustable gastric banding snipping the nerve results in near equivalent weight lost. Anyone familiar with the difference in total weight lost between the "gold standard" of gastric bypass (barbaric slice and hack) and the (in my opinion) more humane banding procedure this is news to rejoice over. A less invasive, safer, and effective surgical treatment...sounds pretty good if you ask me.
Of course, this is just the early research. It will probably be years before the data is sufficient to warrant a push it out to the masses.
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