Well, this week is off to a good start.
I am racing towards a deadline to produce many, many pages of documentation (up to 30 so far) for a large proposal. It's due Wednesday night at the latest. I guess we're about halfway there - but what remains is all of the "pull it out your butt" type of fluff. I seriously don't have the energy for this right now.
To make matters worse, I have been feeling not so great this week. I haven't been sleeping well and I have had no time with my husband in weeks. And I do mean no time. We've both been incredibly busy - and he's also been gone quite a bit. I was only away from the desk for a total of 2 hours all day yesterday. Now, my back is hurting.
Last night, I had to take a pill at 11pm and be at the doctor's at 8am for lab work. Once there I found out that Quest Diagnostics, the lab inside my doc's office, is not a "preferred provider" for my crappy insurance plan. I have used the plan approximately 3 times and each time some I have gotten some level of denial once they see the lovely gray insurance card in my hand. The test would have been about $400 out of pocket. Uh...no. Where's the nearest preferred provider? Ok. Thanx.
We had to go down the street to a more appropriate lab.
At least it wasn't halfway across the city.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a dermatologist for a second opinion. I have a rash on my arms, shoulders, and legs that is probably psoriasis. It's aggravating and looks horrible. My prior dermatologist ignored it. Now, it's significantly worse.
My mom has been a nervous nelly about these tests and appointments. I believe that she has called me everyday since I found out that I had to have it done. Maybe things will come out okay and she can not worry so much.
I will have to go back to the doctor on Tuesday for results. It's been a full week already and it's only Tuesday. I wonder what other fun and interesting adventures await. Oh boy! I am having so much fun I can hardly stand it. ;-)
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