Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rantasaurus Rex

I've been known to rant a time or two in my life. Well, okay...more than a time or two.
In honor of my own history with the rant, let me introduce you to Rantasaurus Rex. I think you will enjoy the humor and vitrolic fervor that only fellow ranters can provide. I hope you enjoy - or not you filthy worthless piece of crap loser who isn't even worth the effort to toss my spittle ya! ;-)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Harry Potter Mania

Well, as anyone not living under a rock can attest, Harry Potter mania is firmly underway. With the release of the seventh & final book of the highly popular series mere days away, plot leaks, potential spoilers, pirated copies, and other attempts have run rampant across the internet.

And it's not just fandom sites and forums this time either.

Even the NY Times published an early spoiler filled review to ruin the experience for others. They purchased a copy of the novel that had been accidentally put on the shelf at a local book seller.

Author J.K. Rowling is furious, as she had previously made numerous pleas for early readers/reviewers not to release salient plot points prior to the worldwide release on July 21st.

My personal spin:
In certain situations, I have been known to seek out spoilers. As is the case with my favorite television show Heroes on NBC. The massive first season launch, immediate connection to characters, and the long breaks fueled an intense desire to know where the story was going. With all the wild theories and speculation, gaining a bit of perspective was almost as important as watching the show.

I see the spoilers for a book - especially a series already six volumes deep - and I can't help but think that there is a certain malice to the way many people are attempting to spread spoilers.

For instance, take a look at this video clip occurring during a midnight release for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

How incredibly mean is that?

I've tried really hard not to pay attention to the spoilers this go around. Yet, even as I attempt to avoid them, they are still creeping into places that you would think they could be avoided. I'm sure that by the time my copy arrives from on Saturday my brain will be in spoiler overload. It's not much fun when you know which characters die, and which characters turn out to be something you never imagined.

In any case, hopefully I will be able to seclude myself from the world this weekend and enjoy each juicy page of the Potter-verse one last time. Happy reading, Potterheads!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"All I Can Say Is That My Life Is Pretty Plain..."

Well, this week is off to a good start.
I am racing towards a deadline to produce many, many pages of documentation (up to 30 so far) for a large proposal. It's due Wednesday night at the latest. I guess we're about halfway there - but what remains is all of the "pull it out your butt" type of fluff. I seriously don't have the energy for this right now.

To make matters worse, I have been feeling not so great this week. I haven't been sleeping well and I have had no time with my husband in weeks. And I do mean no time. We've both been incredibly busy - and he's also been gone quite a bit. I was only away from the desk for a total of 2 hours all day yesterday. Now, my back is hurting.

Last night, I had to take a pill at 11pm and be at the doctor's at 8am for lab work. Once there I found out that Quest Diagnostics, the lab inside my doc's office, is not a "preferred provider" for my crappy insurance plan. I have used the plan approximately 3 times and each time some I have gotten some level of denial once they see the lovely gray insurance card in my hand. The test would have been about $400 out of pocket. Where's the nearest preferred provider? Ok. Thanx.

We had to go down the street to a more appropriate lab.
At least it wasn't halfway across the city.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a dermatologist for a second opinion. I have a rash on my arms, shoulders, and legs that is probably psoriasis. It's aggravating and looks horrible. My prior dermatologist ignored it. Now, it's significantly worse.

My mom has been a nervous nelly about these tests and appointments. I believe that she has called me everyday since I found out that I had to have it done. Maybe things will come out okay and she can not worry so much.

I will have to go back to the doctor on Tuesday for results. It's been a full week already and it's only Tuesday. I wonder what other fun and interesting adventures await. Oh boy! I am having so much fun I can hardly stand it. ;-)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Talking Torture

I came across this collection of torture devices and just had to share. I must say that I really cannot believe some of these things. I try to imagine how long I might hold out on my secrets if I were placed in a torture chair, or even one of the more scary devices. I don't think that I would last very long to tell you the truth.

I have a very low tolerance for pain. Maybe I wasn't spanked enough as a kid to build up a better tolerance level. I just know that there would be no way I would survive very long enduring any form of torture.

This really opens your eyes when you consider that all across the world people still endure varying degrees of torture.

What do you think? How long could you hold on on some of these terrific devices? Comment and share your thoughts.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Now, For Something Different

If you are looking for something different, check out the Flickr group Tiny Animals on Fingers.
There is just something captivating about small, cute animals and insects perched on an index finger. It makes the world somehow seem huge beyond least from their perspective. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Going to Vagus, Baby

Now, this is some interesting new in the world of weight loss.
Could snipping a nerve really help with weight loss? That's what some researchers are saying.

The vagus nerve is one of the largest nerves in the central nervous system. It is also the only one to start in the brainstem and end up in the abdomen. The vagus nerve is responsible for many varied tasks in the body such as heart rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, and quite a few muscle movements in the mouth, including speech and keeping the larynx open for breathing. It also receives some sensation from the outer ear.

When the vagus nerve is overstimulated, it can cause one to pass out. Personally, I have experienced this reaction during both an intense coughing session, and ahem...another more intimate situation. It is a rather odd little bugger to say the least and can be frightening if you aren't aware of it's effect. It's also the defense that causes some people to pass out at having vaccinations or having blood drawn.

Now, it seems that this pesky nerve could help with hunger control. It would still be surgery, but it doesn't seem to be as bad. Early results show that when paired with adjustable gastric banding snipping the nerve results in near equivalent weight lost. Anyone familiar with the difference in total weight lost between the "gold standard" of gastric bypass (barbaric slice and hack) and the (in my opinion) more humane banding procedure this is news to rejoice over. A less invasive, safer, and effective surgical treatment...sounds pretty good if you ask me.

Of course, this is just the early research. It will probably be years before the data is sufficient to warrant a push it out to the masses.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hi! I'm a Mac. And I'm a Mack Truck.

Since the Montagues and Capulets, now deliver a more star-crossed pair
A shiny (new) MacBook kissed by the caress of 18-wheels
Pieces and parts, flying into the air
At 55 miles per hour, the damage was clear
What once was a MacBook, now leveled and sheared.

Alas, poor MacBook...I (hardly) knew him well.

Rest in Pieces, our poor Shiny MacBook
(November 2006 - July 6, 2007)

*(and no, Paul...this is not a joke. The MacBook is toast, just a smear of road jam.) :-(
** photo for representation purposes only.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Independence Day

Tomorrow is the 4th of July.
If it weren't sitting right in the middle of the week this year, for most people it would be a day of parties, BBQ, beer, fireworks, and good times with their family & friends.

For me, the 4th of July has never really been about independence at all.

Thirteen years ago, it was a day about coming together. About finding a lost part of myself that I hadn't realized yet that I was missing. Yet, it was more than becoming the sum of my parts. I had found my home, my center - a place to belong.

I guess, it really was about independence in a way. My lonely heart was finally free from from its bondage. My soul learned to soar into the heavens much like a rocket in flight. Happiness rained down in a shower of sparks, dancing their way across my skin.

"Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people."

So, happy anniversary, honey!

You are still the spark in my soul.
Thank you for teaching it to soar across the heavens unrestrained in a beautiful blaze.