Friday, May 28, 2004

Barbeque and Babies?!?

I'm quite glad that this week is coming to an end. It hasn't been too hectic this week, but I'm still pretty drained. I'm looking forward to a bit of rest and relaxation this weekend.

We don't have any Memorial Day plans. I'd love to crash a backyard BBQ though. I am craving the taste of a juicy grilled hamburger and a hot dog. That's the kind of food the kick-off to summer deserves. But, alas...if I get a burger, it will most likely be drive-through.

That's just so un-American.

I've been thinking about what I want out of life. I'm almost 30 - I guess I'm a "grown-up" now. I have a job. We have a mortgage. We have lots of bills to pay.

But, somehow the "grown-up" things I want the most (BABIES!) don't seem to be very close to happening. My rationale is that if you wait until you have enough money to have babies, you'll never manage to get around to doing it. Our parents managed to raise us on much less than what we currently make. We have friends and family that do it.

Why couldn't we?

I will admit, we *are* closer to parenthood today than we were a few months ago, but it still isn't close enough for me sometimes. I say throw caution to the wind and let those spermmies run wild to catch my very fickle eggs.

No barriers. No birth control. No problems.

My hubby doesn't quite agree. At least not just yet. We're supposedly working on a plan. Hopefully, our journey to parenthood will start at the beginning of 2005. Note to hubby: And I mean January, buster!! :)

He has a much more easy-going - "let things come as they may" - personality. I'm more like "I want it and I want it now". Aries certainly are known for their patience. And I won't tolerate anything or anyone compromising the plan.

Of Coffee and Coupons...

I feel so sneaky.

I managed to get an extra coffee out of my hubby this week. We had a nice coupon from a new place offering a free coffee and bagel when you bought one. After a little bit of convincing (and lots of leftover ham from dinner - great on morning bagels by the way) that coupon got us breakfast, and consquently me my coffee, this morning. And it sure was good! I will definitely have to do try that "trick" again.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Lack of Political Motivation

I read a lot of blogs. It's what I do when I'm supposed to be working. And I've noticed how everyone seems to have an opinion when it comes to politics. But, politics seem so boring to me. It's not that I don't care. I do care but it seems to only be when my rights are getting squashed by right-wing conservative men.

I am Generation X - apathetic to the core, until you start raining on my parade.
Am I proud of my apathy? Probably not. It's *my* politics as usual.

So typical.

Lotta Lattes

Why is it that when all I want to do is stay home snuggled under the covers next to my dog Meko I have to go to work. With too little sleep...not nearly enough coffee.

Speaking of husband has declared that he is officially cutting me off. You see - I have a habit, an addiction to the stuff even. There's this really cool coffee kiosk called Carolina Espresso that's on the way to work. We just drive in, get my fix, and head on over to work. It's brilliant. But, (there's always a but to these stories) my wonderfully delicious 32 oz. Hazelnut Latte comes with a hefy price tag -- $6.26, and we usually throw in a $.50 tip for good measure. So, I'm at $120 a month just for coffee. I feel like such a yuppie (but I don't buy ANYTHING else, really I don't!)

So, I've talked him into letting me titrate the dose. I could only have coffee three days this week. Next week two until I am finally weaned from the habit. Soon there will be no coffee for me. :(

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Way Back Wednesday

I'm sitting at work wondering if I'll make it through. The boss is away on vacation this week. If I were in any other position, I might rejoice and dance naked in the streets. (looking down at flabby white tummy) Uhhhh...better nix that idea. But, just because it's me, I get double the work load while he works on his tan in Mexico.

Mexico. I've never even seen Mexico.

I don't feel very witty today. I guess I'm just stressed out about life and other necessary inconveniences. I'm sitting on the brink of 30 and wondering how my life will end up. I want children more than anything, but I wonder if that will ever happen for me. Well, us. My hubby is involved in it too. It comes down to health and finances. Do we have enough to support a kid? What about the cost of adoption (a real possibility for us)?